Did you know stress causes acne? YES. Herbal tips on how to deal with it.
I was recruited to provide a primer for brides on stress related acne for WoW! Glowing Bride in 30 Days because of my expertise in natural skincare. I've been living a holistic lifestyle for many years and as with many things your skin's condition is very related to the rest of your well-being.
photo © Lanak | Dreamstime.com
Ok, in a nutshell, how does stress affect the skin?
One of the immediate effects of stress is that the body moves circulation away from the skin to support the heart and muscle tissues. This affects nutrient delivery and the overall complexion.
Digestion is also compromised so that the body is not going to be getting the hydration, toxin flushing, and nutrition delivery it needs if the stress period is prolonged – this then shows on the skin.
So how can brides implement stress moderation? Easier said than done, right?
I recommend that brides implement a stress moderation plan in their daily lives to help prevent what flareups they can ahead of the wedding.
Stretching and deep breathing are tremendous tools - even 15 to 30 minutes of yoga combined with...

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